Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ah... Como é bom ter o ouvido podre! Só tendo o aparelho auditivo putrefato pra se deliciar com pérolas como esse disco do ANb!
Capitaneada pelo doidão Scott Hull, esse é o primeiro full lenght deles - apesar de não passar de 20 e poucos minutos!!! Baterias eletrônicas, Grindcore, repetição: imagine um Carcass ou um Napalm Death jogando Atari a 1000BPMs...  

"Honky Reduction" (1998 - Relapse)
  1. Black Ink on Black Paper (0:29)
  2. Polished Turd (0:20)
  3. Filthy Murder Shack (0:20)
  4. The Withering of Skin (0:29)
  5. Empowerment (0:34)
  6. The House of Feasting (1:00)
  7. Die and Get the Fuck Out of the Way (0:40)
  8. Insipid Conversations (0:27)
  9. Vexed (0:41)
  10. Circus Mutt (Three Ring Inferno) (1:17)
  11. Lives Ruined Through Sex (For Anita) (1:05)
  12. Clawhammer and an Ether Rag (For Bill) (0:35)
  13. NYC Always Reminds Me (0:30)
  14. Her Despair Reeks of Alcohol (0:56)
  15. Chump Slap (0:21)
  16. Burned Away in Sleep (0:24)
  17. Grief is not Quantifiable (0:27)
  18. Cloved in Twain (1:16)
  19. Torn Apart by Dingos (0:31)
  20. Pagan Territories (0:53)
  21. Hat Full of Shit (For Cletus) (0:23)
  22. McWorld (0:18)
  23. How Sean Threw His Back Out Sneezing (0:27)
  24. Bones in One Bag (Organs in Another) (0:16)
  25. Acute Awareness (For Wood) (3:03)
  26. Two Shits to the Moon (0:08

1 comment:

  1. Dá-lhe!!!
